Too amazing NOT to post
So remember how we told you all that we were going to bike out of Buenos Aires heading south and enjoy the beach in this glorious mid-summer weather?
Well, yeah, no.
Apparently everyone and their brother, mother and uncle's extended families heads to the beaches east and south of BA in January and February! And while we knew this to some extent, we were not expecting the extreme heat (90s here in BA!) and what sounds like the annual spring-break-ish type of activities going on down there.
So, after calculating the time and distance and all factors including what already feels like our dwindling time here in Argentina, we've changed our plans!
Today we rent a car and road trip to Córdoba, university capital of South America sooo... should be super quiet and nothing to do ;)
Here are some pics of our three full days in Buenos Aires, which we have found to be busy, hot, old, gritty, colonial, european and american, expensive and cheap and above all, beautiful in so many ways!

BA is heavily Italian, so pizza was our first lunch!

There's this big pink house...

Puerto Moreno is the cool revitalized wharf district

Hello San Telmo Kitties

Beautiful San Telmo, tango capital of the WORLD!

Av. 9 de Julio, it's big. Real big.

Playing with the nifty fifty (lens) and filters over cappuccinos y fracturas (croissants)!

Stop to juggle in the middle of the biggest avenue in the world? Porqué no?!
I want i want i want i want to be there.
ReplyDeleteI finally found out what your blog is! I'll be watching you from afar...
ReplyDeleteI honestly loved the Rose or Pink House (whatever you want to call it). It is Buenos Aires' most beautiful building and lies in the busy Plaza de Mayo. Evita famously addressed the Argentine workers from a balcony here, while today this is where the Argentine president's offices are. Highlights include the hourly Changing of the Guard and the associated Presidential Museum, which is attached to the house.
ReplyDeleteI was able to see it from the furnished apartments in buenos aires I had rented when I was there!