You think you've seen handicraft markets, trinkets and jewelry, scarves and carved maté bowls elsewhere? Not on THIS scale! The town has a half-moon shaped park that hosts the Feria Artesanal every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Crafts, crafts, crafts!!
We enjoyed the helado and delicious fair food (waaaaaffles!) but even this tiny town quickly began to feel too "busy" for us so we went just a bit further south to Lago Puelo, on the shores of ... Lago Puelo.

Much more laid back, we rest at a place fondly called "The Farm" by Israeli backpackers all over South America... Rey Sol. Founded by an amazingly laid-back Italian woman, Gila is more focused on inquiring if you'd like to join her for morning resonance meditation or sing to the moon in all it's glorious fullness than making sure you pay up front or keep the kitchen clean... The most relaxed place we've ever been.

We more than enjoyed our few days there and took advantage of the nearby Rio Azul as much as possible.

Other than all the exhausting relaxation we put ourselves through in those two weeks, we also found time to enjoy food, drink and some of the best café con leche in the country.

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